Wednesday, November 26, 2008

James B. makes it 6 months!

11-25-08: Congrats to James B. for making it to the 6-month mark of being a non-smoker! He now enters the Cheesecake Hall of Fame.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Dr. Medina,
It will be six months next weekend that my husband will have quit smoking. He had a 40 plus year habit and your class gave him the tools he needed to quit. He still has the desire to smoke but knows how hard it is to quit, so he says he'll never have that "just one". Thanks for teaching my husband to stop living for that next cigarette. He has gained more than a few pounds, so maybe you'll see him at your lose weight class. Thanks for giving me a smoke and cough free husband. Wife of Randall Smith, Patricia